Big Star Belltown

Seattle, Washington


    Big Star Belltown

    A complete re-build of a downtown Seattle condo — we couldn’t pass up the clients narrative regarding influences and inspiration for the project…

    The condo embraces the lysergically drenched ethos of late ‘60s San Francisco, both sonically and visually, in a thoroughly contemporary way.

    Further explanation:
    Given our mutual love for the pop culture of our past the condo was always going to be grounded in rock & roll and its derivatives. Of course we will always enjoy our favorite musical histories, but we have no interest in viewing life through the rear view mirror, so it’s all through a contemporary lens. Accordingly, the vibe is more Four Tet’s Squidsoup than Warhol’s Factory. Think James Murphy’s Despacio rather than Bear Stanley’s Wall of Sound. Avalanches sampledelia over Airplane psychedelia.

    A good turntable and B&O’s finest largely deliver the analog texture of music we could literally feel when music was analogue and our hearing enjoyed the benefits of youth. The Missoni fabrics, Pollock inspired art, great use of reflective surfaces and innovatively fun lighting combine to deliver the result we’ve been seeking but could never define.”

    Seattle, Washington

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    John DeForest and Mark Slivka, project architects
    DeForest Architects

    Jennifer Thuma, Principal/Design Lead
    Grayscale Design Studio

    Lighting Design:
    Brian Hood
    Brian Hood Lighting Design, Inc

    John Granen
    Granen Photography Inc


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